EinHawk LLC is a business intelligence firm utilizing analytics software technology to identify trends, correlations, anomalies, and cyclic patterns in disparate datasets resulting in advanced knowledge applicable to problem solving and predictive forecasting. Analytics on top of “big data” can discover hidden patterns and relationships.
The earth’s processes are very cyclical. Observation leads to the conclusion that human beings subconsciously adhere to the cyclical nature of the Earth. The mammalian design and limbic system of the human brain cause humans to “herd” or behave “collectively“. Humans subconsciously and consciously align according to mood, mindset, and behavior. The “collective behavior” of human beings appears to be cyclical. The Dow-Gold Ratio exhibits three 36-year cycles since 1913. Cycles consist of expansion and contraction phases.
It is hypothesized that the Dow-Gold Ratio has served as a “barometer” for collective human behavior over the past 100 years defining the Dow-Gold Ratio Cyclicity Theory™ (DGRCT).
EinHawk LLC has assembled a robust database (EinHawk DB™) integrating financial, social science, and energy data providing a powerful tool for forecasting future collective human behavior and resulting financial trends.
This blog will be utilized to share data, observations, and concepts relating to cyclicity and the collective human experience.
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